Snow has finally fallen. The fox’s mating season is in full swing, and the cold, clear winter nights are filled with the raucous shrieks of the fox. The Sauer 404 has been ready and waiting in its “winter plumage” for days: The standard barrel in the .308 Win. calibre has been swapped out for the short, 51 cm .223 Rem. barrel – the aim is to ultimately sell the coats of the winter prey. The Ergo Lift stock with adjustable comb completes the S 404’s winter set-up. After all, actively hunting the winter fox requires maximum flexibility, not just from the hunter but also from the equipment. The dens across the hunting grounds are well-known and the fox paths really easy to see in the fresh snow. Throughout the night, the foxes run along the known paths and are still on their feet into the morning, searching for partners or prey.

White meadows, red fur
On the one hand, stalking is easy in these snowy conditions because the powdery snow absorbs some of the noises. On the other hand, the foxes’ acute senses often still pick up the hunter before the hunter spots the fox.
This is why I make an effort to seek outthe best spots throughout the hunting grounds for the early morning stalk. Places where it is highly likely that foxes will appear and where you can react while still under cover. At the first copse, a fox from afar responds to the artificial mating calls. With every verse from the caller, the barked answer gets closer. But still, it cannot be identified across the open, vast countryside. So I wait. Suddenly a red fox appears around 200 metres away. Now just don’t make a mistake. But instead of continuing to follow the alluring mating noise, Fantastic Mr Fox has other ideas. His nose is low to the ground, scouring the blanket of snow. He keeps sitting on his haunches and his ears keep pricking up, only to then jump into action and hunt a mouse in the snow. The fox scours the entire meadow meticulously, but he does not get close enough for a shot to be fired. So all that remains is to start moving closer to this predator. In slow motion, I creep towards the fox whenever he is focused on and distracted by hunting the mouse. After what feels like an eternity, I get close enough. The Sauer 404 instinctively glides into my shoulder, and with the comb already in the correct place, the reticle immediately appears in my sights as I get into position using my carbon shooting stick. But where is Fantastic Mr Fox?
Did he catch on? Maybe I should start another mating call. It takes just two little squeaks of the mouse whistle for two perked-up ears to suddenly appear out of a ditch: Fantastic Mr Fox took the path through a culvert. The red fox is barely even on flat land when the small shot hits him. Meanwhile, my hunting buddy Sebastian has set himself up at the bait station with Top: Sebastian with his S 404 Synchro XT at the bait station. When combined with the shooting stick, the ergonomic thumb hole stock guarantees a steady shooting position, especially when the wind direction prompts you to leave the high seat and you need to hunt from the ground a shooting stick and his S 404 Synchro XT. He is hoping to dupe Fantastic Mr Fox through a combination of mating calls and enticing scents from the Mäuseburg – a “mouse castle” built to house mice and therefore lure foxes. After a slow two hours, a fox appears on the left edge of the forest. He suddenly jolts back and disappears into the thicket, only to reappear seconds later. But he now has company. A tod and vixen are now chasing each other around the meadow. When the breeding pair pauses for a brief moment, multiple shots are fired with the S404, and the original fox is also hit in a flash. Once we have both finished hunting in our hides, we have bagged four cleanly shot foxes with beautiful fur coats.