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Experience creativity

Text and photos: Gunther Stoschek

Not long ago, “custom” in connection with hunting rifles meant almost exclusively elaborate and therefore very expensive engravings. In German-speaking regions, engraved oak leaves and native game were popular, sometimes even inlaid with solid gold. Shotguns from renowned English or Italian manufacturers were usually decorated with more understated, but also very ornate arabesque engravings. The pinnacle of expensive, almost extravagant firearms design, however, were the shotguns and rifles ordered by well-heeled customers from the Middle East in recent decades. These elaborately decorated firearms have a long tradition. They were already found in aristocratic houses hundreds of years ago, where they were generally not used for hunting, but rather served as expensive gifts for family and friends.

Manchmal fällt es nicht leicht, sich für eine Farbvariante zu entscheiden. Gut also, dass im Blaser Custom Shop eigene Vorstellungen in Sekundenschnelle im Original präsentiert werden können
Ob voll- oder teilbeledert, ob Carbonoder Synthetikschaft: Der individuellen Gestaltung sind kaum Grenzen gesetzt
Bei der Vielzahl an möglichen Farbkombinationen macht es Spaß, im Blaser Custom Shop selbst zu experimentieren. Nicht selten entsteht aus der ursprünglichen Idee dabei ein ganz neuer Entwurf

Although the demands of most customers today are primarily focused on the practical hunting advantages provided by modern technology, the desire for an individually designed hunting rifle remains unchanged. And this is exactly where Blaser Custom offers a great variety of options. These are not only in the expensive range, but are also available for rifles with synthetic stocks, thanks to new materials and production technologies. In addition to a large number of accessories, leather as a natural material with countless texture and colour variants play an especially important role. Customers are offered comprehensive advice from Blaser and can examine the possible configurations on an actual rifle thanks to specially prepared stocks and leather samples, making it easier than ever before to implement individual requests.

Ob voll- oder teilbeledert, ob Carbonoder Synthetikschaft: Der individuellen Gestaltung sind kaum Grenzen gesetzt
Individuell gestaltete Pistolengriffkäppchen, gravierte Zierspangen für den Hinterschaft oder Kammergriffkugeln aus Stahl, Stein oder Holz sorgen ebenso für Individualität wie das Schaftmaterial an sich